What we believe
God is real
God is good
God is trustworthy
God made everything
God loves the world
God is a people person
God is in control
God finishes what He starts
God knows best
God is enough
Jesus is God
Jesus died for us
Jesus is alive
Jesus rules the world
Jesus saves
Jesus will return
Jesus is worth knowing
Jesus can be trusted
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God
The Holy Spirit is powerful
The Holy Spirit gives life
The Holy Spirit gave us the Bible
The Bible
The Bible is true
The Bible is God speaking
The Bible is enough
The Bible can be understood
The Bible needs to be explained
The Bible is for today
The Bible is for people like us
We were designed to know God
At heart we are all the same
We all fall short of God’s glory
No one is good enough for God
God loves people
We all need Jesus
Faith in Jesus is a gift
Jesus can save anyone
Jesus changes people
God gives life
God gives New Life
New Life is worth living
New Life lasts forever
New Life begins when we trust in Jesus
New Life is best lived in community
Our Core Values
Truth - Truthfulness in speech and confidence in the Bible as God's revealed truth.
Integrity - Integrity in all financial and relational matters.
Compassion - A commitment to caring for all who are needy, irrespective of status.
Humility - Humility in our attitude to others and in our dependence upon God.
Generosity - In giving to God's work and in using the resources of the Church in the growth of the Kingdom of Jesus.
Purity - A commitment to Biblical standards in sexuality, marriage & family.
Community - Encouraging and serving one another in the church family.
Equality - Respect for all human beings as created in the image of God.